Home / School Profile
School Name | Swami Vivekananda Public School |
Address | Vivekananda Valley, Channanikkad P O, Kottayam. Pin. 686533 |
Name of the principal | Mrs. Chitra S Nair |
Principal's Mob Number | 9446911327 |
Principal's E-mail ID | chitrasunil710@gmail.com |
School Contact number | 8075205262 |
Landmark near school | Paruthumpara |
Affiliation Grant year | 2009 |
Affiliation validity | 31/03/2027 |
School Email ID | svps.org@gmail.com |
Year of establishment of school | 1994 |
Affiliation status | Provisional |
Name of the society | Vivekananda Educational Society |
Total number of sites of school | 1 |
Total area of School | 11128 Square meters |
Total area of play ground | 4046 Square meters |